Manage multiple accounts with the same email
There is a way to create multiple logins for the same Mailgun account but we can't reuse an existing account. The error message is:
Error: Unable to invite user. User already exists
We need a way to manage multiple accounts under the same email, not having this is a total nightmare :\ We have this in Stripe, Twilio, SendGrid, Mailchimp, etc ...
There is no way I will ask my clients to forward me the "passcode" everytime I need to login on my client's account.

Austin Drummond commented
I want this simply for the ease of managing one set of credentials. For people wanting a workaround for 2FA, setup TOTP/Google Authenticator for each account. That will let you bypass the restriction of a unique phone number.
We use 1Password, but I think most password managers offer this built-in nowawadays.
Feki Zied commented
I am a freelance developer and I have multiple clients that use mailgun. I am currently using my gmail, my yahoo and my hotmail for each client. It would be nice to be able to manage many accounts from one login.
Brian commented
Just want to echo everyone else's sentiments. Some email service providers do not offer plus addressing, and the limitations on 2FA are constricting as well. Very difficult to use as a developer working with multiple clients.
Mike Folsom commented
Bumping this request. I have tried the suggested "+" approach but the inability to reuse a phone number for 2FA makes it way too limited. I am a developer and have dozens of client accounts to manage. And to echo what others have said, trying to coordinate with a client to get a code via their SMS is both impractical and unprofessional.
Торхов сергей commented
Please add multi account functionality, it's very important for mailgun and developers! I suffer without it, it' really pain to create many new emails for each client.
Otherwise we should use to another services like sendgrid or sendinblue. -
Webse Admin commented
Sub accounts for MSP to manage multiple clients, where we can bill multiple client separately. Currently have to create and mange different accounts separately, which is troublesome and this makes it difficult to bring in new customers.
Lee Morgan commented
I would like to be able to share certain domains with certain other accounts. I am a web developer and have multiple clients. It would be nice if my clients could access their domains (that I manage) so that they can view/edit different things such as mailing lists and templates. Perhaps at different permission levels.
Thanks a lot love you. XOXO.
Tijs commented
Is there any update on this. As a web agency that promotes Mailgun it is really cumbersome to have to ask the pascode of the client each time.
I know a user can be added, but if the e-mailadres needs to be unique you end up with multiple accounts.In my opinion I would like to see all domains in de domain dropdown on top to which I have access to.
Richard Matzinger commented
I have access to two Mailgun accounts which I log into with two different email addresses and passwords. One account is mine, one belongs to my client. The system keeps logging me out and asking for me to log in again. Very annoying and inconvenient. Can you please resolve this issue? Seems like it should be able to handle that. Many other systems including some I have written deal with that situation without getting confused.
Adrian Jones commented
Are we still stuck with using "plus" addresses, or is this option finally available?
Come on guys - I keep using you for all my projects, but this is getting more and more out of hand all the time.
Adam Marciniec commented
There is a lot to like about Mailgun but as a prospect flipping a coin between you and Sendgrid, this tips the odds to Sendgrid.
Max Floden commented
I wish I could use my login / email address to access all Mailgun accounts to which I have access. Add a dropdown in the header to select which Mailgun account is "active" if a user has access to more than one Mailgun account.
I use Mailgun for many customer projects so I have access to many different Mailgun accounts. However, I cannot use the same login information (my email address) for all since a user login / email address can only be tied to one single Mailgun account. So I have to use fake email addresses for each account I have access to, which is a big hassle.
Jared Budlong commented
We set up the first few with the suggestion from Chris today (plus addressing) sadly we ran into another limit: associated phone numbers. I'm the one primarily setting these up and I was only able to use my phone number to validate a handful of accounts and now we're back to using a master account with all our new clients under that account.
We'd love to see this feature implemented!
Richard Hancock commented
This feature can be implemented by adding a 'Teams' layer and attach all previous account info to it then have users be assigned to teams with roles. Problem solved.
Add the Teams model, create default teams for each user, migrate billing to the team instead of the user, allow creation of roles, etc.
Migration, even on the scale of Mailgun, shouldn't take more than a few months.
But it is also this reason why I've been looking for other options to replace Mailgun in all of our projects. For a company that is developer friendly, this is very much anti-developer.
Adrian Jones commented
Thanks @Chris Farmer - not sure how I never knew about plus addressing. It certainly seems like a decent enough workaround for now.
Anonymous commented
This is quite simply unbelievable for a platform that caters to developers. Can you imagine needing a new email address every time someone wanted to add you to a new team on GitHub?
Emily Steyn commented
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
We need the ability to create sub accounts so we can separate all our clients.
Anonymous commented
We have over 30 clients and we have to use one account to manage them. Having sub accounts would be huge for us.