Export Suppression, Bounces, Unsubscribes and Logs
It would be beneficial to be able to push a button in the control panel that would allow the export of data into a csv file.
Also, for the Suppressions tab we would like for you to provide the total amount of recipients on the list.
And we would like for you to allow the option to select all recipients on the Suppressions list and delete all of them, instead of deleting one by one.

We have recently deployed enhancements to our dashboard that allows for exports from the suppression & mailing lists.
Anonymous commented
Why do we need to ask aboud this... its a basic feature that all other email sending providers have.... please fix this!
D commented
How about the option to extract a CSV list on those emails that was "temporarily deferred" according to the logs?
Joe Klovance commented
Too bad the Suppression list does not catch all bounces. I just looked at my log and had an email addressed bounced that did not show up in the suppression log.
Christopher Justice commented
Any update? It's been a year. I cannot manage this with an API?
Anonymous commented
Some news? We need it.
Steven Rieger commented
I have java code that pulls the events based on a unique tag used when the email was sent. I could share that with you Blanche. srieger@lmsnet.com
Blanche Brantley commented
Any update on timeline for this? It was stated on July 18, 2016 that it is "currently in development".
Shane commented
For anyone needing to get suppressions, bounces and unsubs you can use the API. With the 10k limit per request you can export, it's just a bit of manual work.
Blanche Brantley commented
Does anyone know anyone who has developed the reporting themselves that would be willing to share for a fee?
Blanche Brantley commented
I just started using Mailgun about a month ago and was astounded that I could not find where I could download the bounce and complaint reports. I put in a support ticket, and the reply sounded like I was the only person who had ever asked for this capability. It boggles my mind. We also use SocketLabs and SendGrid and those both have this built-in reporting.
Rik commented
Like Chris Edwards commented,
I also would prefer a clean output thats comma separated.
As long as the documentation is good, the logoutput can be bare minimum.
Then People can use Splunk, Logstash, Loggly, Sumologic or whatever logaggregation tool they prefer to transform the logs to their satisfaction.Ans most important a simple api command that one can run from cron, to fill up a custom logfile for example like this:
Timestamp, eventtype, status, receiver
Timestamp, eventtype, status, receiver
Timestamp, eventtype, status, receiver -
George commented
When do you think you will implement the export function? It would be very useful if we can schedule the exports. thanks
Michael Bond commented
It would be handy if instead of saying it is in development that MailGun got into the spirit of things and JUST DO IT!
Anonymous commented
I agree with Nadja, they do not seem to care that mailgun does not come close to meeting the customers needs for exporting lists. I have asked fo rthis for over a year npow and nothing has been done. This is critical to our business to be able to export this information. I guess it maybe time to start looking for a new service.
Anonymous commented
Would be great if this was implemented soon. In the meantime, we're considering building out our own way. If anyone's interested, we'd be happy to share.
Nadja von Massow commented
What, this is not possible? Wow, that's seriously lame.
Please implement this, MailGun. -
Mez Belk commented
Can you guys pretend as if you even care about this suggestion box and hit us with an update? Spending a lot of money on Mailgun and without the ability to export my lists easily I am feeling pressured to move elsewhere.
Anonymous commented
Yes, agreed. It would be great to not have to open each and every campaign tracking tab when I pull my monthly reports. :(
Tom commented
please add this : i have requested a similar feature here: http://mailgun.uservoice.com/forums/156243-general/suggestions/11325849-clean-bounced-emails-from-mailing-list-using-dashb
Anonymous commented
PLEASE implement this -- this is so important!