Support Non-credit card payment types
Allow customers to pay via alternative payment types other than credit card.

Kibet Hosea commented
Please add paypa
64BIT THUG commented
How about Stripe payments
Ephraim Swilla commented
all cards failed to work, please introduce other payment methods like paypal, stripe etc
64BIT THUG commented
Why there is No Paypal option?
UNIDOT commented
Payment method
Antoine Poliakov commented
Currently credit card is the only payment method. This is fine for B2C in some countries, but definitely not convenient for everyone in every country and business. Also there is the issue of card expiration.
There are already multiple requests for paypal, which is a must, but none for direct bank transfer. Could you please implement a SEPA payment method ?
Shahrukh Sheikh commented
You should allow the user to upgrade the plan using other payment methods also, specially for indian people. i am not able to upgrade my account because i have a visa debit card and your payment gateway declining my card.
I am stuck here now! do you have another means to make payment ?? like any indian payment gateway or paypal ? etc.. -
HEX Account commented
hi, is there an option to pay using Paypal? I dont like you having my credit card on file and making random charges without my knowledge in advance. I would prefer to receive an electronic invoice and pay using paypal. is that possible?
stephen commented
still no paypal provided, you team did a really good job!
Sol Rana commented
Paypal option would be nice addition as paying by the credit card directly may not be the option available to all the developers.
Evans Kibet commented
Hello, can we have a different payment method like paypal please. Here in Kenya, we are having trouble with our banks. at times automatic renewal fails
Sebastiaan commented
Would like to see other payment options than just a credit card. Business in the EU mostly don't have credit cards. I now have my personal card set as payment method which is not great.
Dept Facturacion commented
Hi there,
Could you add as a payment method Paypal?
It would be pretty useful for us.
Thank you.
Sònia Marín
Account Department.
Teradisk Consulting, S.L. -
Ivan Calderon commented
Im from mexico and none of my cards are accepted by Stripe. So far i have tried 6 cards and contacted my bank endless times but they always say the issue is not on their side.
All of those cards work perfectly fine with Paypal, Amazon US, Ebay, and many others, so the problem is Stripe -
ajermou commented
Paypal is a must, i can't pay 4usd per month coz i have to pay more than that as processing fee.
John FIelds commented
Mind blown still no paypal on 2020!!!
Minh VU commented
As many employees, I cannot access to a company credit card but my company provides to us a business PayPal account to buy online services and other things we need at work. So, for a lead company in mail services like Mailgun, let us to pay with a credit card only is untypical, considering most of major company in software and internet sectors offer multiple payment methods.
Paypal is actually one of the best payment platform, so what are you waiting for! -
Anonymous commented
Would like to try the service, but also only use paypal and no credit card
Koby Peleg Hen commented
On the net PayPal is the ONLY way I do business it is my company policy.
Please be positive about that and we can do business together.... -
René Loos commented
I'f I could pay with Paypal as gateway, I would have sign-up. Now I simply can't because I have no creditcard..