Display existent but inaccurate DNS records
Steps to reproduce:
- Set up a new domain
- Add all records, but leave a character out of the middle of the DKIM entry
Mailgun confirms that the record exists but indicates that it's wrong. This could mean showing the inaccurate value or just displaying a message that the right record is there but is the wrong value.
Mailgun displays an error on the record and "--" as the current value. This is a false clue that looks like the problem is that somehow the record itself isn't getting through.
See support ticket #209728 for specifics. This also shows from your team's correspondence that this happened the way I am claiming and that it wasn't some other goof on my part.
My comments in that ticket:
When there is a record but it’s wrong, it would be very useful and more accurate if you displayed the value you do receive (or if that’s not possible, a notice that there’s a value but it’s wrong) rather than “—“. When your site displayed “—“ I thought it meant you weren’t seeing any data for that record, which was a false clue, causing waste of my time and yours.

The dashboard now displays the inaccurate DNS record and a better error message in this situation.