Log search improvments
Previous search filter UI/UX on logs was better than actual implementation. Please open a panel with all filters in one page not have to click many times to apply an event filter.

We have released the new Logs experience (Now part of Reporting in the UI). This should enhance the overall experience when working with Logs.
Jodi Stammer commented
Thank you for pointing out the checkboxes, I didn't realize how that worked!
AdminPeter Trinder (Admin, Mailgun) commented
Mailgun regularly sends about 1.9 billion emails per day. The search field from our old logs page would search everything on logs and had the potential to cause stability issues with our sending. We had to design a solution that allows users to find what they need without risking platform stability. If there are any missing filters, please let me know and I can discuss adding more with my team. I can guarantee you that I use this feature every day with customers of all sizes. We are still working on making improvements to the feature but we aren't able to support functionality that creates too much load on our systems.
Please explore all of our new functionality with logs to see if there are better ways for you to get the data you're looking for.
- you can drill down from metrics into logs by clicking on the metrics graph and clicking the event you'd like to see. All filters will be transferred from the metrics page to the logs page.
- The logs table has checkboxes that allow you to set quick filters without entering the filter pane.
- Metric events allow you to filter to specific event types, matching events that you'll see on the metrics tab.
- up to 1000 logs may be exported to a csv file. This is another area where we had to limit the functionality to prevent excess load.
- logs are no longer restricted by domains. You can view all logs for all domains in a single view. -
Jodi Stammer commented
Better, but now where did the search functionality go?
Derik Badman commented
Yeah this gets super annoying. Just searching for a message by the message-id header takes so many clicks. One gets the feeling the people who designed the "new" dashboard have never actually tried to use it.
JmE commented
The most recent UI update of the control panel hides filters behind an "Edit Fields and Filters" button. I then have to "Choose Filters" and put together filters.
Previously it was a component above the logs view and was pretty easy to use.Editing filters requires going back and doing the same thing -> Edit Fields and Filters -> Choose Filters (hidden by default) -> Edit the filters.
Could you please make filtering a first class UI component in logs view? With an option to save commonly used filter sets that can be accessed from a dropdown in the logs (e.g Permanent Failed in the last 7 days).
Jodi Stammer commented
Totally agree! Several years ago, I tried another service and came back to Mailgun because the logs were so much easier to use. I liked how I could just click on "failed" and see which messages failed. Too much clicky now!
And weren't we previously able to search for anything, not just an email address?
Did we also have the ability to see more than 10 log entries at once?