Search suppressions list by email domain
PLEASE allow us to search the suppressions list by email domain, not just specific email. Our use of the product means that we often have multiple users from a single domain that we send email to. If something goes wrong with their email server, and they end up suppressed, removing them is a real pain. The customer has to provide us with every possible email that was suppressed, and we have to search them all one by one. I REALLY wish I could just search by domain instead.

Dario Rigolin commented
It's very important to be able to search suppression via domain name (all part after the @) in case domain configuration problem of temporary server error put lot's of valid email into suppression. At the moment only exact search is supported.
Ron Rablin commented
I am looking for the same functionality. I have noticed this suggestion has been posted multiple times with several different titles all looking for the same thing. Maybe you should also look to link similar requests in your feedback lists so they get the attention they deserve.
Take.Net commented
The list of Suppressions could have the option to search for the company's domination and not just by email.
Anonymous commented
Would be nice to have the ability to suppress an entire domain to prevent sending to that domain. Right now we can only suppress individual addresses. Some wildcard functionality would be helpful.