Allow text/calendar MIME for .ics attachments sent through REST API
I'd like to send .ics (iCal event) attachments through the REST API. For eMail clients such as GMail or Outlook to recognized those attachments as event invitations they have to be sent with a text/calendar MIME type.

This is currently possible and supported by our API.
Keeton commented
I can send the email how I want if i use the `messages.mime` endpoint, but not if I want to use a template and the normal `messages` endpoint.
Keeton commented
For the record- this doesn't seem to be supported in a way that Outlook recognizes. GMail can read a .ics attachment and import it automatically to the calendar, but Outlook doesn't. They require a different way of attaching the invite.
Mailgun default - works for Gmail (but not outlook):
Content-Type: text/calendar; name="invite.ics"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="invite.ics"b64-encoded-string...
```Outlook requirement:
Content-Type: text/calendar; charset="utf-8"; method=REQUEST
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64b64-encoded-string...
``` -
Admin[Deleted User] (Admin, Mailgun) commented
A customer of ours blogged about how to do this. Have a look: